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Psalms (Torch Bible Paperbacks) by J.H. Eaton
Enjoying The Psalms Volume 2 by William MacDonald
Psalms Volume I (Daily Study Bible) by G.A.F. Knight
Psalms Volume II (Daily Study Bible) by G.A.F. Knight
Wisdom Literature and Poetry (Interpreter's Concise Commentary)
Psalms 73-150 (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) by Derek Kidner
Proverbs (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) by Derek Kidner
Ecclesiastes (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) by Michael A. Eaton
The Song of Solomon (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) by G. LLoyd Carr
Wellsprings of Life: Understanding Proverbs by Donald Orthner
Proverbs (Communicator's Commentary) by David Allan Hubbard
Psalms 73-150 (New Century Bible Commentary) by A.A. Anderson
The Book of Psalms (New Century Bible) Volume 1 by A.A. Anderson
Job (Daily Study Bible) by John C.L. Gibson
Proverbs (Old Testament Library) by William McKane
Qoheleth by Graham Ogden
Know Your Bible: Psalms (Vol 4) by W. Graham Scroggie
Proverbs Commentary (Geneva Series) by Charles Bridges
The Tree of Life: Reading Proverbs Today by Graeme Goldsworthy
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol 4: Job by Keil and Delitsch
Reflecting With Solomon: Ecclesiastes, ed. by Roy B. Zuck
Psalms (1 Volume Edition) by W. Graham Scroggie
The Psalms (Old Testament Library) by Artur Weiser
Psalms by A. F. Kirkpatrick
Analytical Studies in the Psalms by A.G. Clarke
Job (Interpretation Commentaries) by J. Gerald Janzen
Proverbs by A Cohen
Know Your Bible: Psalms 1-50 (Vol 1) by W. Graham Scroggie
Psalms 1-72 (New Century Bible Commentary) by A.A. Anderson
Exploring The Old Testament Vol. 3: Psalms and Wisdom Literature by Ernest Lucas
The Song of Songs by Watchman Nee
Exposition of Ecclesiastes by H.C. Leupold
Numerical Bible: Psalms by Frederick W. Grant
Know Your Bible: Psalms (Vol 3.) by W. Graham Scroggie
Job: A Man Tried As Gold by Theodore H. Epp
Enjoying The Psalms Volume 1 by William MacDonald