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America: The Sorcerer's New Apprentice by Dave Hunt
Freemasonry Exposed: Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. WM. Morgan
Children of God: The Inside Story by Deborah (Linda Berg) Davis
Touching the Soul of Islam by Bill Musk
The Beast and the False Prophet: Revival of Radical Islam by E.A. Rattray
Woman to Woman: Sharing Jesus with a Muslim Friend by Joy Loewen
Out of the Crescent Shadows by Ergun Caner and Emir Caner
Between Allah & Jesus: What Christians Can Learn From Muslims by Peter Kreeft
Saints of Zion: Introduction to Mormon Theology by Travis S. Kerns
Christians and Muslims by Peter G. Riddell
Global Jihad by Patrick Sookhdeo
Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin
Demons in the World Today by Merrill F. Unger
How to Introduce Your Jewish Friends to the Messiah by Chosen People Ministries
Encountering Religious Pluralism by Harold Netland
Dictionary of Bible and Religion by William H. Gentz
New 20th-Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge by J.D. Douglas
Jesus and the Gods of the New Age by Ross Clifford and Philip Johnson
A People Betrayed by Patrick Sookhdeo
The Hidden Enemy by Michael Youssef
World of the Spirits: Christian Perspective on Traditional and Folk Religions
Another Gospel: Alternative Religions and the New Age Movement by Ruth A. Tucker
One God, One Lord: Christianity in a World of Religious Pluralism by A.D. Clarke
Becoming Gods: A Closer Look at 21st-Century Mormonism by Richard Abanes
Neighboring Faiths by Winfried Corduan
The World of Gurus by Vishal Mangalwadi
I Dared To Call Him Father by Bilquis Sheikh
Hidden Half: Women and Islam by Stuart Robinson