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Toward Rediscovering the Old Testament gives an up-to-date, concise, and challenging presentation of several major areas of Old Testament study. After defining the problems, the author proposes models and solutions for some age-old dilemmas. Here are just some of the more than two dozen major questions that are discussed: What makes the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament authoritative for the church? How much continuity and discontinuity is there between the Old and New Testaments? Did the Old Testament writers consciously anticipate the Messiah? Were the object and method of salvation the same in both Testaments? What was the Old Testament believer’s experience of the Holy Spirit? How can Christians teach or preach form the prophetic portions of the Old Testament? What is the challenge of the Old Testament for missions? According to Dr. Kaiser, understanding the Old Testament is the crucial problem for the Christian. Hardly an area in the Christian life, Christian doctrine, and biblical studies is not affected by one’s understanding of the Old Testament. This book is a forceful demonstration of that truth. It deals with some of the crucial topics necessary to a proper and practical interpretation and application of the Old Testament and discusses them in three parts: (1) The Old Testament and Scholarship, (2) The Old Testament and Theology, and (3) The Old Testament and Life.

Toward Rediscovering The Old Testament by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.

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  • Format: Hardcover

    Condition: Good

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