Women's Ministry Handbook A Comprehensive Guide to Reaching, Teaching, and Training Women in the Local Church Carol Porter & Mike Hamel General Editors (back) Doing the Work of God Through the Ministry of Women Scripture instructs women to minister to each other as well as the rest of the body of Christ. Women's Ministry Handbook is a practical, up-to-date resource designed to help the Christian woman of the '90s fulfill this biblical command. Women today are better educated. More work outside the home than ever before. And the numbers of single women, single moms, and seniors continue to grow. The writers of Women's Ministry Handbook realize these changing trends and challenge churches to accommodate both scheduling and programming to better meet women's needs. Women's Ministry Handbook begins with the "whys" of women's ministry, then thoroughly discusses spiritual as well as personal qualities of leadership, including spiritual gifts and temperament tests. In this section, you'll also learn about: Conducting meetings Selecting priorities Dealing with difficult people Managing time Setting goals Staffing your ministries In the book's later sections you'll receive valuable information on such vital functions as: Organizing Bible studies Handling prayer chains and a wide Discipling others range of caregiving activities Planning retreats Coordinating special events Ministering to women in pain Reaching out to the community Sharing the Gospel compellingly A detailed table of contents at the front has been included to eliminate the "needle in the haystack" frustration inherent in so many books of this type. If you are looking for a complete guide to organizing and implementing a women's ministry in your church, Women's Ministry Handbook is the one.
Women's Ministry Handbook by Carol Porter and Mike Hamel
Format: Hardcover
Condition: Good
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