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In this devotional commentary on Romans, Dr. Thomas has written an inspiring commentary marked by exact scholarship as well as devotional spirit. Dr. Thomas was a master of outline and analysis, and his commentaries, especially this one, have long delighted the heart of the preacher, Bible student and layman. The writer makes clear that the Apostle's own spiritual experiences are the key to his meaning, and only as the reader enters into similar experiences will he be able to interpret the Apostle's accurately. Everywhere throughout his commentary on Romans Dr. Thomas has been careful to keep exposition subordinate to spiritual purpose. He challenges the believer in his total self, showing that doctrine and life are one. The heart has ever been kept uppermost, "as it is the heart that must penetrate most deeply into the secrets of this doctrinal, theological, yet always personal epistle." The language, too, shows that Dr. Thomas was concerned to have his readers see Romans as a book eminently worthwhile for the Christian life as that life is actually lived by the believer. The commentary is easily understood. Here readers will find Biblical scholarship at its best. More than one reviewer has praised the careful scholarship, exegetical insight and spiritual discernment manifest in this devotional commentary.

St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans: A Devotional Commentary by W.H Griffith Thomas

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  • Format: Hardcover

    Condition: Good


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