A Man with a Past...
For ten years, Gabe Talmadge languished in prison, convicted of a horrible crime. Now, he is free once again but unable to find work in the midst of the Great Depression. In desperation, Gabe returns to Ransom, Idaho, hoping that his uncaring father will give him food and shelter, if not love. But the prodigal son is not welcomed home. Hudson Talmadge, who virtually owns the town of Ransom, despises his youngest son as much as ever-and Gabe is as powerless to win his father's approval as when he was a child.
A Man with a Future...
Hungry and hopeless, Gabe is rescued by the owner of a sheep ranch south of Ransom. Incredibly, Akira Macauley gives him a place to live and work to do. More than that, she gives him hope that he can receive forgiveness for his past-and perhaps even love.
A Man with a Choice...
But just as Gabe comes to believe that happiness may be within his grasp, tragedy strikes Ransom once more. As his life begins to unravel, Gabe must either sink again into an abyss of hopelessness or cling to a hope, faith, and love stronger than any he has ever known.
Shepherd's Voice by Robin Lee Hatcher
Format: Paperback
Condition: Good
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