Discover the Truth through fiction.
The lepers in the Valley of Mak’ob hear the rumors--that a miracle healer is now walking the earth. Could this be the hope they have waited an eternity for? the healing they have longed for? While Lily, Cantor, and Rabbi Ahava courageously comfort the dying in the Valley, the leper Jekuthiel risks home and family, even when his baby is about to be born, to find out if the rumors are true.
In these somber, deceitful days, Peniel, the once-blind beggar, makes a gut-wrenching decision. Will it cut him off from the Light? Zadok refuses to back down from his claims about Messiah. And Pharisee Simon ben Zeraim hides a devastating secret.
During these dark and dangerous times, the people long for the transforming touch of the Messiah.
Second Touch (AD Chronicles #2) by Bodie & Brock Thoene
Format: Hardcover
Condition: Good
ISBN: 9780842375092
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