Apostles who rule countries, the promise of wealth here on earth, and the church's most babelicious girl as a prize. Is this what Christianity is all about? For Max it is, until one day…
Max Churchill lives in Auckland, the capital city of GKing. God's first Kingdom on Earth. A perfect Christian society run by the world's most anointed man, The Apostle.
Max is a rising star. With his fantastic job in Citizen Intelligence, his stunning girlfriend and his awesome classic Jaguar, GKing is his oyster.
Then something terrifying happens. Max stumbles across a forbidden artifact. If he is caught with this artifact he will be arrested and condemned to the Kingdom's most horrific prison.
Max must get rid of this foul item - but at the same time he is tempted to use it. Torn between his Godly submission to The Apostle and his burning curiosity Max must act now, or see his dreams smashed.
KINGDOM LOST is a thriller that has set many free from the bondage of false authority and financial pressure rife in the church today. Written by Cultwatch director Mark Vrankovich KINGDOM LOST is a page turner that also educates
Kingdom Lost by Mark Vrankovich
Format: Paperback
Condition: Good
ISBN: 9780476015098
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