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The E100 Bible Reading Challenge was launched in New Zealand in April 2010. More than 390 churches with more than 28,000 people have participated in the challenge.

According to research, one of the key reasons why people don’t read the Bible is that they find it difficult to understand. The E100 Bible Reading Challenge features 100 carefully selected readings designed to give people a good understanding of the Bible story. The E stands for Essential and each of the essential 100 readings ranges from a few verses to a few chapters.

Through completing the challenge, participants are encouraged to build a regular habit of spending time with God through the Bible and prayer.

At its heart, E100 is a personal challenge. Churches and participants can take the challenge in a way that suits them. It doesn’t have to take 100 days – it’s entirely up to the individual. The E100 team has produced a range of fantastic resources to help you and your church take the challenge. These include:

E100 Book – with a thought-provoking commentary on each of the 100 readings to help participants understand and apply what they’ve read in the Bible.

E100 Personal Quick-Start Planner – a small pocket-sized brochure with the full list of 100 readings, as well as a handy punch-out card to keep track of progress.

Small Group Discussion Guide – featuring two discussion guides, each with their own set of questions on the E100 themes. One guide is more focused on the biblical text, the other is more life-application focused. You can pick and chose which questions to use in your group time.

God’s Amazing Plan – a brilliant children and families resource based around the E100 challenge readings. Help your kids get into the Bible with this creative and interactive resource. God’s Amazing Plan features an activity, list of each week’s Bible readings and a poster and stickers for children to use as they complete each week’s readings.

Essential 100: Your Way Into the Heart of the Bible by Whitney Kuniholm

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